Banana - truehealthytipz


Tuesday 6 October 2020



One of the most popular fruits in the world is the bananas, kids and adults alike, love the sweet taste of golden ripe bananas. They are used in pies, baby foods, and ice cream sundaes and even frozen chocolate covered bananas. Though some of those uses are counterproductive of the nutritional value of the bananas. But it is better to eat the banana with something else and still get the nutritional value of it than not eat it at all.

Bananas are another name for the herbaceous plant in the genus family of Musa. Because of the size and shape of the Musa, they are often called trees but they really aren't trees at all. Bananas are listed as the fourth fruit and or vegetable that most people eat all over the world. Rice, wheat and corn make up the top three. The bananas are considered a tropical fruit and they are mainly native to the south East Asia region.

The bananas are grown in bunches with about 15 to 20 bananas to a bunch. Bananas are a great source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Potassium. They are made up of 88% water; the average banana contains about 105 calories, 14 grams of natural sugar, 0.39 grams of fat, 27 grams of carbohydrates and zero cholesterol.

Bananas are often called the dessert fruit because the main uses of the banana are used in desserts, from pies, cakes, breads, sundaes and even fried bananas. They are a great all purpose fruit, they have a sweet taste and aside from the amount of calories they have, they are a good source of nutrition.

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