Vertigo - Causes, Symptoms and Home remedies - truehealthytipz


Thursday 8 October 2020

Vertigo - Causes, Symptoms and Home remedies

 Vertigo -  Causes, Symptoms and Home remedies

Vertigo is the feeling of being unbalanced. A person who experiences vertigo may have dizzy spells or feel as if the world around is spinning. There are many causes of this condition, but fear not, since there are also home remedies for vertigo that will help ease the sensation.

Causes & Symptoms

Causes: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, meniere’s disease, vestibular neuritis, head or neck injury, brain problems, some drugs that cause ear damage, migraine headaches, inflammation and other problems in the inner ear, sudden head movements, tumors, multiple sclerosis, complications from diabetes, too much smoking or excess tobacco use

Symptoms: Feelings of disorientation or motion, nausea and vomiting, abnormal eye movements, sweating, hearing loss, visual disturbances, ringing sensation in the ears, difficulty speaking, weakness, decreased level of consciousness, swaying, difficulty walking.

Best 10 Home Remedies For Vertigo

Vertigo affects activities of daily living and it can alter the level of consciousness. Hence, it should be treated accordingly and these natural remedies for vertigo will certainly help.

1. Arnica Herbs For Vertigo

The best natural homeopathic remedy for vertigo caused by blood loss is Arnica. It is efficient to use as well.

    Place 1 tbsp of powdered arnica flowers in 1 cup boiling water.

    Steep for 5 to 10 minutes.

    Filter the powder using a fine cloth.

    Set aside the tea until it is warm enough to drink.

Arnica should be taken with the aid of a skilled professional. It is not recommended for children to take in orally. It is also not advisable for people with digestion problems, fast heart rate, high blood pressure, allergies to ragweed and other related plants, and pregnant and nursing women. 

2. Ginger

Ginger is a great remedy for vertigo as it helps control nausea. Controlling nausea will prevent vomiting and ease the feelings of dizziness.

    Simply eat a piece of raw ginger when vertigo attacks.

Ginger is safe for pregnant women when taken in normal amounts. It is contraindicated for people with bleeding disorders, heart conditions, and those with diabetes.

3. Almonds and Water Melon Seeds

 The combination of almonds and watermelon seeds may raise an eyebrow. However, this combination will provide a great relief from vertigo once prepared properly.

    Soak 8 almonds, 8 watermelon seeds, 1 tbsp poppy seeds and 1 tbsp of wheat    grain in water overnight.

    Mix the ingredients to form a thick paste the following morning.

    Heat a pan and add 1 tbsp of ghee.

    Fry 2 cloves and add the paste.

    Afterwards, mix the paste with milk and drink.

    Repeat the procedure daily for 1 week.

Almonds are not good for constipation, obese, and those taking drugs such as antipsychotic, antacids, blood pressure meds, antibiotics and laxatives. Meanwhile, watermelon seeds are contraindicated for people with high risk of choking and those with intestinal blockage or obstruction.

4. Wild Indigo herb for Vertigo

A beneficial herb, wild indigo serves as one of the natural remedies for vertigo. It contains antimicrobial properties that cure the underlying cause of vertigo.

    Place ½ to 1 tsp of dried wild indigo root in a cup of water.

    Boil and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes.

    Drink the tea three times a day.

Wild indigo should not be used by pregnant or nursing women. Large doses of the herb can be toxic and it is best to consult a qualified health care professional first before starting the tea therapy for vertigo.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey

Both remedies have curative properties that help ease the blood flow to the brain. This helpful mechanism aids in the home treatment of vertigo.

    Add 1 part of unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar to 2 parts honey.

    Take 1 tbsp of the mixture twice or thrice a day.

There is no enough known information on the safety of apple cider vinegar to pregnant and breast-feeding women, but people with diabetes should take caution in taking it as it can alter blood sugar levels. Meanwhile, honey is safe as long as it is taken in regular amounts and avoided by people with high blood sugars.

6. Coriander Seeds and Gooseberry Powder

Coriander seeds have an Indian origin and serves as a very helpful part of the coriander plant. When combined to gooseberry powder, it makes an effective remedy for vertigo home treatment.

    Soak 1 tbsp of coriander seeds and 1 tbsp of gooseberry powder in water.

    Leave the mixture overnight.

    Strain the following morning.

    Add ½ tbsp of sugar and drink the tea. 

Coriander seeds should not be taken by people with allergies to aniseed, caraway, fennel, mugwort, dill or similar plants, as well as those with low blood pressure and low blood sugar levels. Gooseberry powder is not advised for those with bleeding disorders and liver disease.

7. Butcher’s Broom Herbs for Vertigo

Butcher’s broom is an effective herb that treats vertigo caused by Meniere’s disease. It also helps in the treatment of hemorrhoids, varicose veins and supports the circulatory system.

    Chop the root of the plant and put 1 tsp of herb in 1 cup boiling water.

    Close the teapot and steep for 10 minutes. Do not heat the teapot.

    Strain and drink.

    Drink 1 to 2 cups daily.

There is no enough information on the contraindications, toxicity and interactions of butcher’s broom.  However, it is considered as possibly safe to take the herb orally for up to 3 months.

8. Garlic and Sesame Oil

When mixed together, garlic and sesame oil alleviates symptoms of vertigo. It provides a significant relief from vertigo attacks making it one of the best natural remedies.

    In a pan, heat 2 tsp of sesame oil.

    Add 2 crushed garlic and cook until brown.

    Strain the oil in a cup, and set aside to cool.

    Once cooled, drip 2-3 drops of oil in one ear and let it stay for a minute before draining.

    Repeat the procedure on the next ear.

Garlic is unsafe for children when taken in large amounts. It is also not good for people with gastrointestinal problems, bleeding disorders, and low blood pressure. Sesame oil, on the other hand, is to be avoided by those suffering from diarrhea and known allergies to sesame.

9. Lemon

Lemon is known as one of the natural remedies for vertigo. With its properties, it is an effective way to treat the sensation of dizziness.

    In a glass of lukewarm water, squeeze ½ lemon in it.

    Add a pinch of salt and black pepper.

    Mix well and enjoy the drink.

    Drink daily until vertigo subsides.

Lemon is contraindicated for people with diabetes, hyperacidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as toothache. It should also not be taken during a woman’s menstrual period as it may lkead to increase abdominal pain.

10. Pulsatilla Herbs for Vertigo

Pulsatilla is a good remedy for vertigo treatment when there is a sensation of objects revolving in circles. This is best used with people who have worsening symptoms when confined in a room and relief in open air.

   Cut small pieces of a dried pulsatilla herb into 8 ounces.

   Place the herbs in a jar and cover with 1 pint of alcohol.

   Make a tincture through the maceration and percolation process.

  Once the tincture is ready, add 4 fluids ounces of water in 1 fluid drachm of tincture.Take 1   tsp of the mixture several times a day.

Pulsatilla can be poisonous and dangerous when not taken with the advised of a qualified practitioner. It should also not be given to people with colds.  

The herbs and remedies listed will help you get back to your daily activities without the feeling of worry for being dizzy or having loss control of your balance.

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