Colon Cleanse Detox - truehealthytipz


Tuesday 18 May 2021

Colon Cleanse Detox


Colon Cleanse Detox

Methods of Detoxification, not Crash Detox

 Cooking and formulas for "3 Day Detox" or "Instant Detox" formulas are all very common on Pinterest and health magazines. These fashions often promote drinking a certain type of raw smoothie, lowering gallons of water and eating large amounts of lettuce. Unfortunately, these detoxification programs can quickly damage the body and ignore the fact that the toxins in the body are not overnight.


Here's the deal: real, active toxins don't happen overnight. It doesn't happen in a week. A healthy detox in the body depends on a healthy diet and stress management. We can, however, use additional safe and gentle ways to support our body's processes of detoxification. The following methods of detoxification work and work with your body, not against it.


Why should we support the daily poisons?

We live in a world that is becoming more toxic and we owe our bodies to support the daily activities of removing toxins from the body. For example, these are just a few of the insults our bodies fight each day:


pesticides on the product

weed control in the product

fluoride in drinking and bathing water

chlorine in drinking and bathing water

protects itself from consumed food

chemicals from carpet fire extinguishers, furniture and textiles

carcinogens in cosmetics and body care products

environmental pollution


Warning about overcharging

Many trend detox programs recommend drinking plenty of water or fluids each day to “remove toxins.” This is not true and excessive pulling can be very dangerous.


While I take what he writes with a grain of salt (no pun intended), I think Matt Stone made a good point in Eat for Heat: The Metabolic Method of Food and Beverages:


No other creature has been so steeped in its natural cycles of alcohol abuse.


Excessive skipping can slow down metabolism and stress on your body if you already have a metabolism that is slow to drink a lot of fluids. In addition, when the adrenals are stressed or tired, drinking too much water without eating enough salt can lead to dehydration. Want to learn more? Read my post on Metabolic Hydration!


1. Lemon juice in the morning

Start every morning with a warm glass of lemon juice: warm 1/2 to 1 cup of filtered water at room temperature, then squeeze the juice of 1/4 to 1/2 lemon. If you do not have a lemon in hand, you can also use 1 teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar. Add a pinch of sea salt, if you wish, to support your metabolism. Sip well and let it arouse your senses.


Why it works: lemon juice (or apple cider vinegar water) supports a balanced pH of the body and helps detoxify the liver. It can also promote stomach acid production before breakfast - a great thing, because enough stomach acid is important for digestion! If you have bloating, acid refux, or constipation, this morning drink can help with your symptoms.


Problem solving: Since fluoride and chlorine in tap water are harmful to the body, it is an investment worth buying a quality water filter. My family uses the Berky Water Filter with fluoride filters.


2. Going back

This is my favorite! Jump on a trampoline for 10-20 minutes each day. This doesn't have to be a strenuous exercise routine - your feet don't even need to leave a trampoline. I open iTunes and enjoy a binding party every morning. I bought this small trampoline and it is expensive and versatile.


Why it works: relapse supports the lymphatic system, a series of vessels that detoxify your body. Because the lymph system does not have a pump (like the cardiovascular system), we must keep the lymphatic fluid flowing. Jumping and jumping are effective ways to promote lymph flow. In addition, it can help control constipation and promote toxins in the body through bowel movements. (Source)


3.Drushing Toxins From The Body

Buy a dry dry brush. Starting at the soles of the feet, apply strong, firm lashes and move upwards toward your heart. Always call to heart.



Why it works: The skin is the body's toxins. Dry brushing increases the circulation that supports the release of metabolic waste. It cleanses the body by stimulating the lymphatic system to remove toxins from the colon. It clears the pores, improves muscle tone, and regenerates the nervous system (Source).


As a bonus, dry brushing soothes the skin and promotes cell regeneration. It is announced as the ultimate treatment for cellulite. I dried a dry brush faithful all year and, to be honest, I still haven't seen a drop in cellulite. The real treatment for cellulite begins with intestinal and digestive healing (which I work on), and this can take years to correct.


Troubleshooting: Your skin will be sensitive during brushing, for the first week or so. The brush, well, is hard. But after a few weeks, your skin will be soft and able to withstand strong brush strokes.


4. Cold Rinses

After your bath, turn on the tap as cold as possible. Clean for 30 seconds (or more, if you can stand it!). If you feel dizzy during a cold bath, gradually lower your temperature for a few weeks, until you are more tolerant.


Why it works: alternating hot and cold water is a form of hydrotherapy, an ancient healing process. Hot water expands your blood vessels, and cold water depletes it faster. Movement and uplift support lymphatic flow and help push the toxins out of your system.


Troubleshooting: Fluoride and chlorine enter the skin. The best solution is to purchase a water-based sanitation system that eliminates the toxins. I don’t have that method, so I use this shower filter to remove chlorine.


5.The Daily Detox Yoga Poses

You do not need to be an athlete or a gymnast to practice these two forms of yoga. First, get your Dog down


1 comment:

  1. this was a very helpful topic thanks for sharing this one. this would help many people.
