31 Amazing Benefits of Garlic - truehealthytipz


Thursday, 14 November 2019

31 Amazing Benefits of Garlic

31 Amazing Benefits of Garlic


Garlic can actually ward off various health problems including cancer  health benefits of garlic has scientific evidence the best part is roasted toasted crushed chopped minced halved or whole garlic and food can make the taste literally go from flat to fab so read on to know some cool facts on benefits of garlic for healthy hair and skin

Some of the other veggies that belonged to a Liam family is onion, leek, chives, shallots and scallions. the average height and the diameter of a garlic bulb is about two inches and contains numerous cloves and both the cloves and bulb are enclosed in a paper-like sheath which has white purple or pink hue. the cloves of garlic are firm and are covered in a thicker paper-like sheath of the same color as the outer sheath. to use garlic you need to detach the cloves from the bulb and peel them garlic tastes pungent and has a strong spicy smell the pungent taste of garlic mellows down when cooked and adds a nutty flavor to the food. there are different types of garlic such as soft neck garlic, silverskin garlic, artichoke garlic, and hardneck garlic. soft neck garlic is the most common type of garlic that you see in the market and has a soft stalk papery skin and creamy white in color the outermost cloves of this garlic are larger in size as compared to those closer to the center silver garlic has a pink hue on its outer sheath and has a strong aroma.

artichoke garlic has a milder flavor and has larger but fewer cloves sometimes the artichoke garlic has a purple tint on its papery the skin, however, it is the hard nut garlic that is known for its purple outer the sheath has a hard woody stock and there are three types of hardneck garlic Rock'em bull garlic, porcelain garlic and purple stripe garlic. garlic mostly requires lower temperatures to grow but there are reports where garlic was found to have grown in warmer tropical regions. in fact, garlic grows best in temperate regions and doesn't thrive in too hot or too cold regions in India. Gujarat is the leading producer of garlic followed by Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. garlic requires well-drained loamy soil and is planted from August to November and is harvested within four to five months the garlic bulbs are then dried to increase their shelf life is garlic good for you. so how good is garlic for you garlic is rich in compounds like Oleson, sulfur, zinc and calcium that have health benefits, beauty benefits as well as antibiotic and antifungal properties it is also a rich source of a mineral known as selenium. selenium is known to fight cancer and it works with vitamin E in the body to boost antioxidant power. garlic also acts as a blood thinner due to its salicylate content nowadays garlic's reputation as a medicinal herb is significantly growing this is because it has been confirmed by many researchers to be highly effective in preventing and treating a wide range of health conditions in fact for decades garlic has been recommended by natural medicine practitioners all over the world to be included in the daily diet because of its many powerful effects on health. now before I tell you the various benefits of garlic let's take a look at the nutrition facts of the herb below the health benefits of garlic.

1.  Garlic health benefits are plentiful which include reversing heart disease improving the health of diabetics and also preventing and fighting various forms of cancer here are some of the most profound garlic benefits that are supported by studies one stabilizes blood pressure mature garlic extract contains a bioactive sulfur compound SLE cysteine which has been found to effectively lower blood pressure by 10 millimeters of mercury systolic pressure and eight millimeters of mercury diastolic pressure sulfur deficiency is one of the reasons for high blood pressure and therefore supplementing the body with oregano silver compounds can help stabilize blood pressure heat treatment tends to destroy a listen to garlic dose to lower blood pressure consume raw or dried garlic to be able to consume a listen in garlic to lowering LDL cholesterol.

 2. American scientists found that aged garlic extract supplement can help lower LDL cholesterol by 10% in hypercholesterolemia male human participants in rats garlic inhibited the synthesis of cholesterol and liver cells the researchers further experimented with water-soluble and lighted soluble compounds of garlic and found that water-soluble compounds in garlic inhibited cholesterol synthesis by 20 to 60% garlic dosed to lower blood pressure you can eat one-two raw cloves of garlic per day to reduce LDL cholesterol

3. Prevents cardiovascular diseases scientists have evidence that garlic can help prevent almost all cardiovascular diseases it helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases by lowering bad cholesterol lipid and serum triglyceride increase antioxidant activities and decreased platelet aggregation garlic was also found to be effective against a thorough sclerosis garlic dose to prevent cardiovascular diseases have a clove of raw garlic in the morning before your morning walk or morning run to keep cardiovascular diseases miles away

4. Improve bone health age undone healthy lifestyle can make your bones weak which means that fractures and osteoporosis will set in much earlier garlic has been found to be effective against osteoporosis and arthritis in a study, scientists supplemented lab rats with garlic oil and found that garlic oil was able to suppress a very ActiveE induced bone resorption another group of researchers concluded that the dye allele disulfide helps to suppress the matrix-degrading enzymes and therefore prevents damage to the bones garlic dosed to improve bone health consume 2/3 raw garlic cloves per day to improve bone health

 5. Relieves intestinal ailments an upset stomach or a broken digestive system can hamper your daily life so if you are suffering from intestinal problems you might want to consume garlic. Garlic tends to differentiate between the good and bad gut bacteria in the intestine and has an antibacterial effect on harmful entra bacteria scientists have also found that garlic is effective against h pylori infections garlic dose for relieving intestinal infection consume one raw garlic before breakfast with a glass of room temperature or cold water

 6. Regulates blood sugar high blood sugar can make you prone to developing diabetes blood pressure obesity etcetera if you are suffering from high blood sugar you must include garlic in your diet scientists from Kuwait conducted an experiment with raw and boiled garlic and found that raw garlic significantly reduced blood glucose levels in lab animal models therefore consume raw garlic instead of the cooked bulb to help lower the blood sugar levels garlic dose for lowering blood sugar consume 3-4 cloves of raw garlic to lower your blood sugar levels

7. Prevents thromboembolism clotting of blood to prevent excess blood loss is good but not when the blood clots detach and are carried by the blood stream to other vital organs such as brain lungs kidney etc Indian scientists experimented with garlic the participants were asked to consume 10 milligrams garlic every day before breakfast for two months the the study concluded that garlic could be used to prevent thromboembolism garlic dose was preventing thromboembolism consume three garlic cloves before breakfast every alternate day ate helps fight cancer.

8. Garlic contains dial sulfide that helps inhibit oxidative stress selenium present in garlic is known to have cancer-fighting properties prevent DNA mutation and uncontrolled cell proliferation and metastasis a clinical trial conducted by Chinese scientists on cancer patients found that garlic lowered the chances of tumor formation by 33% and reduced stomach cancer by 52% so if you want to lower the risk of cancer consume garlic along with leading a healthy lifestyle garlic dose for fighting preventing cancer consume at least one raw clove of garlic every day in the morning

9. Strengthens immune system garlic contains phytonutrients that are antioxidant in nature antioxidants flush out toxins and reduce oxidative stress in the body which prevents you from falling sick or being prone to DNA mutations and disrupted cell functions researchers have also found that supplementing with garlic helped increase different types of immune cells in the body garlic dose for boosting immunity consume 1/2 raw garlic cloves per day to boost your immunity

 10. Relieves oxidative stress as I mentioned earlier garlic can help relieve oxidative stress the water-soluble organelle for compounds found in garlic can help prevent DNA damage reduce inflammation and atherosclerosis risk due to oxidative stress in fact garlic can also help prevent heart diseases by nullifying harmful free oxygen radicals garlic dose for relieving oxidative stress consume 1 clove of raw garlic every date to flush out the harmful free oxygen radicals

 11. Prevents heavy-metal poisoning heavy metals can kill you and therefore it is best that you get rid of any traces of heavy metal from your body a study conducted on lab rats showed that early administering garlic helped reduce the levels of heavy metal another study confirmed that pickled garlic was more effective in lowering cadmium levels garlic dose for lowering heavy-metal consumed pickled garlic to reduce or prevent heavy-metal poisoning

12. Helps fight diabetes diabeetus is a metabolic the disorder mainly caused by unhealthy lifestyle scientists addict India fed garlic to lab rats and found a reduction in blood glucose and triglyceride levels and also the rats show the increased insulin sensitivity so if you are pre-diabetic or a diabetic consume garlic to lower glucose levels in the blood and make your body insulin sensitive garlic dose for diabetes consume 2-3 cloves of raw garlic to prevent the risk or fight diabetes

 13. Reducing yeast infections yeast infections can be both embarrassing and distressing garlic is a natural remedy for yeast infections scientists have found that fresh garlic extract is highly effective against Candida infections in another study the researchers found that garlic was effective against Candida vaginitis garlic dose for diabetes consume 2 3 cloves of raw garlic every day do not apply raw garlic on the infected area

14. Treats UT and kidney infections cranberry is the go-to fruit for treating or preventing UT but garlic is no fewer scientists have found that garlic can help treat or prevent the growth of pierrot gino's a pathogen that colonizes the urinary tract walls and is responsible for recurring UT's and kidney infections garlic is also effective against a growth in the urinary tract garlic dose was preventing UT and kidney infection consume 3-4 cloves of garlic to prevent and fight UT and kidney infections

15. Treats asthma and common cold garlic has been used for ages to treat common cold and asthma a special mustard garlic oil is massaged near the nose and on the throat and lungs area to help treat chest congestion now scientists also have found evidence that garlic can delay the hypersensitivity associated with asthma and also help treat common cold garlic dose for treating asthma and common cold heat mustard oil with garlic and massage your body with this oil for treating cold you can also consume two three cloves of raw garlic to treat cold and asthma make sure you talk to your doctor first

16. Kills cold sores cold sores or blisters are caused by herpes simplex virus these are generally painful blisters that erupt in and around lips chin and nose the worst news this is contagious garlic contains antioxidant anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and therefore may help treat these blisters however there is no solid scientific evidence to back this belief garlic dose for treating cold sores consume one-two cloves of raw garlic to treat cold sores

 17. Prevent Alzheimer's disease and dementia garlic is said to protect from neurodegenerative disease dementia Alzheimer's is a type of dementia and garlic is also effective against halts hi MERS disease a bioactive compounds s a lil sister in found in garlic as neuroprotective in nature moreover the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of garlic also help prevent neurological deterioration garlic dose for preventing Alzheimer's and dementia consume three four garlic cloves per day to help prevent the risk of dementia and timers disease

18. Aids weight loss if you want to lose weight you must consume garlic because garlic actually gets to the root of the weight gain problem it helps to inhibit the expression of attaboy genic tissues increases their magenta --ss and reduces bad cholesterol garlic dose for weight loss consume 3-4 raw garlic cloves for weight loss

19. I care it is impossible to believe but garlic has also been found to help improve eye health scientists have found that garlic reduces intraocular pressure the antimicrobial property of garlic is also effective against the microbes causing eyesight threatening keratitis scientists have also found that garlic juice can help prevent lead-induced apoptosis of the retinal cells in rats garlic dose for eye health consume 3-4 cloves of raw garlic after breakfast to protect your eyes

 20. Helps reduce your infections garlic has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and therefore may be effective against ear infections however there is no scientific evidence to establish this yet garlic dose for reducing ear infection consume 2-3 cloves of raw garlic to reduce inflammation and microbial infection however consult your doctor before you start taking garlic to reduce your infection

21. Kills oral pathogens a lesson present in garlic has antimicrobial properties and helps kill oral pathogens that are associated with dental caries and periodontitis scientists have also experimented with garlic extract as mouthwash and have found it to be an effective one in fact using toothpaste or mouthwash is containing garlic extract can help prevent dental caries garlic dose for oral health chew one raw garlic clove every day if you are suffering from a toothache or dental caries

22. Improves iron and zinc absorption both iron and zinc is important for proper functioning of various biological processes garlic contains sulfur that positively influences the bioavailability of both iron and zinc therefore if you are iron or zinc deficient you must include garlic in your diet garlic dos was improved iron and zinc absorption consumed one - raw garlic cloves to increase iron and zinc absorption and bioavailability

23. Ameliorates fatty liver an excessive amount of fat deposition in the liver can be fatal garlic had been found to be effective against non-alcoholic fatty liver, scientists found that s Elmer capped a cysteine sanc helped ameliorate hepatic injury and garlic oils antioxidative properties also helped protect against non-alcoholic fatty liver garlic dose for ameliorating fatty liver add rawly chopped one two garlic cloves two spinach smoothie to help prevent fatty liver

24. Helps you live longer it is clear from all the above garlic benefits that consuming garlic can help improve your health by protecting your vital organs and cell functions this way garlic can help increase longevity garlic dose for long life consume two garlic cloves per day for long and healthy life benefits of garlic for skin the garlic benefits for skin are explained in greater detail below know how to apply garlic on face and skin for good results

25. Reduces acne garlic is a powerful antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties since acne is caused due to over-accumulation of toxins clogged pores and bacterial infections garlic can be used to reduce acne how to use garlic for reducing acne you can eat one clove of raw garlic followed by a glass of cold water also make sure you keep yourself hydrated and clean your skin every three hours

 26. Soothes psoriasis psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease and the symptoms are red scaly and itchy skin that affect the scalp elbows and knees it is not curable but consuming garlic can help reduce the disease symptoms psoriasis is caused due to inflammation and since garlic is a strong anti-inflammatory agent many recommend the use of garlic to reduce psoriasis however, there is no direct scientific evidence to prove this how to use garlic for reducing psoriasis consume 3 cloves of raw garlic with leek broccoli and beetroot juice

27. garlic delays aging skin aging occurs due to stress unhealthy habits stress inflammation genes etc sll cysteine found in garlic helps protect the skin from UV damage and wrinkling the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds present in garlic helps scavenge the oxygen radicals thereby reducing stress moreover scientists have also found that garlic induces synthesis of normal human skin cells in the lab how to use garlic for delaying wrinkles consume 1 clove of raw garlic with honey and lemon the first thing in the morning you can also add raw chopped garlic to trifle of water and drink it in the morning

28. Removes stretch mark the moment you hear about stretch marks all you wish is for them to vanish well they are stubborn and our skin is elastic to reduce stretch marks can take a long time if you don't put an extra effort to get rid of them. hot oil massage with garlic may help reduce stretch marks and you must dry it with olive oil or mustard oil how to use garlic to remove stretch marks heat mustard oil and add to 3 cloves of garlic when you start to smell the garlic move from flame and let it cool down a bit you can use it when it's still warm massage in circular motion

 29. Dry itchy flaky rough and inflamed skin is known as eczema it is caused due to inflammation triggered by an allergic reaction. garlic has anti-inflammatory properties and thus believed to be effective against eczema, but there is no solid scientific backing this theory so talk to your doctor before consuming garlic to reduce symptoms of eczema how to use garlic.

30. To remove stretch marks consume 1/2 raw garlic cloves with room-temperature water dirty treats athlete's foot athlete's foot is caused due to a fungal or yeast infection also known as tiny avetis ringworm of the foot. garlic is an antifungal agent and can be used to treat ringworm of the foot how to use garlic to treat athlete's foot consume two garlic cloves with leek juice in the morning benefits of garlic for hair ever thought of what are the uses of garlic for hair but hey even consuming raw garlic can have benefits for your hair they can improve hair health and appearance

31. Prevents hair loss, hair loss is a serious problem these days pollution impure water bad eating habits stress etc all add up to rapid hair loss scientists have found that garlic gel along with betamethasone Val rate can help prevent hair loss how to use garlic to prevent hair loss consume one also add lots of garlic in cooked fish to prevent hair loss.

So, those were the 31 garlic benefits for health, hair and skin. now let me tell you how you can incorporate garlic into your daily diet how to incorporate garlic into your diet you can consume a clove of raw garlic to treat all your health problems add garlic to your food pasta, bread, curries casserole, salads, soups, Dough, stews etc. best ways to use garlic the best way to use garlic to get rid of all health skin and hair problems is to eat it raw cooking it boiling, frying , roasting etc destroys at healing properties so start by taking a small piece of raw garlic and gulping it down with a glass of water in the morning then start consuming half a garlic and finally chew a whole clove of raw garlic and wash it down with water but you can also use in other cooked food recipes.

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