Strength training for women - truehealthytipz


Tuesday 13 October 2020

Strength training for women


Strength training for women           

Strength training is important for all of us when we're talking particularly about women it becomes crucial especially after menopause.

If you think about how we use our muscles we use it these are muscles for everything we use them during our daily lives to go to the grocery store, to carry our kids to play with them to the stuff around the house the more we prepare our muscles for this activities and the more conditioned their muscles are the better off.

We will be and sometimes even prevent injuries from those daily activities. After menopause when we lose the protective effect of estrogen as the levels go down. Then it becomes more important because strength training and resistance training can help maintain a healthier bone mineral density and sometimes even be a part of the treatment for osteopenia and osteoporosis. So I think resistance training for women is really important.

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