Is Caffeine Good for Health? - truehealthytipz


Tuesday 13 October 2020

Is Caffeine Good for Health?

                           Is Caffeine Good for Health?

Is Caffeine Good for Health? Caffeine is the brain stimulating drug. Yes, caffeine is a drug. Every day, most people drink caffeine in the form of coffee, teas, cocoa, soft drinks, chocolate, pain killers, diuretics, cold drugs, weight loss medications, etc. It is a notorious matter that nobody can answer that it is good or bad to human beings health. We cannot decide that those all above products are good for health or not.Is Caffeine Good for Health

Here below mentioned are some information about caffeine which is useful to confirm whether it is good or bad.

Caffeine is refreshment that improves effectiveness & avoids tiredness.

Caffeine is generally derived from plant resources like coffee beans, guarana, tea leaves, cocoa beans & kola nuts.

Caffeine can be said as vaso-restrictor. It means it reduces blood flow to the brain. Caffeine reduces headaches.

US RDA generally put rules & regulations for diets to bring good diet to people. So it is saying that caffeine is safe.

In different tea types, different amounts of caffeine are available.

In cola drinks, Caffeine is derived from some coffee additives. Generally, cola nuts are used for this.

Guarana consists of high amounts of caffeine, with consists of three times more than normal caffeine available in coffee.


The main advantage of coffee and tea is that caffeine contains natural antioxidants. Antioxidants are useful for good health.

Some experiments have proved that caffeine is useful to Alzheimer’s disorder & dementia.

In the people that take coffee regularly, it was found that they get Alzheimer’s disorder very rarely.

Caffeine is useful to reduce confusion & promotes good mood.

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